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An incomplete list

PostPosted: December 4th, 2007, 3:03 pm
by iamatestsubjectofme
I thought I'd post a list of some files of interest, and maybe a description of why with some of them. TrainTotalControl: because I have always been intrigued by the ability to control the body. IncreaseIQ -Of big interest with me ever since I helped a user of this site with an experiment involving this file. Also of interest, ImprovedPhysique I am trying to make some nifty little mods to this file and if it turns out I'll contact HypnoEmg and see if he's interested in it. A lot of the Carsten files intrigue me (he rules by the way!!) For now however I must drink some tea and get ready for my workout, I'll try to make a journal post later involving what I'm doing with my latest healing project so look for that if you're interested. Stay cool!