by lew897 » June 9th, 2013, 3:24 pm
Well, i had a lot of soul searching, and in one of the forums EMG said about an hour of listening to a file is good enough. So Ive been listening that way for a while now. Recently, Ive just deceided to make my own file of visualization help. Which is defiantly cool. I just made the file induction normal, then added the deepner where he counts down from ten a second time in the middle, then had the body play again with an awakener at the end. While its all playing there are three voices of the body playing from beggining to end. Just loud enough to make you think about them but quiet enough to let you listen to the main part. Defiantly sent me the deepest Ive been. Im probably going to make all the files I can this way. lol.